Monday, September 27, 2010

Francis Chan

What an amazing man of God. His faith is so inspiring. I found out last night that he would be speaking at Auza Pacific, which is like five minutes from LPC. So even though I had to wake up a lot earlier than I had expected to on Monday mornings, i managed to get myself out of bed. Let me tell you it was so worth not sleeping in. I can not explain how excited I was to meet this guy. All the way there I was bursting with excitement. We got seats pretty close up, and I could barely contain myself. I looked around at this huge gym as the students kept piling in. For some reason though they did not seem to excited. It was then that it hit me, we as a generation are not on fire for Jesus. Azuza is a Christian university, and they showed about zero excitement to be there in chapel. It broke my heart. Where are the next generation leaders? Why did they not share the same excitement for God that the few of us from LIFE did during worship. We are in a serious spiritual drought and if we don't do something about it things can only get worse. God brought us to live on this world, but to not be of this world. He brought us to seek out those who have lost their way, but how many of us are actually living that out? How many disciples have we raised up personally to go out and fight the good fight of faith? There is so much that we have been putting off that we can not afford to be putting off. It is not that we are to  busy it is that we are to scared and  lazy. Why not share God's love with that person in line who has pain in their eyes? What will it hurt us to reach out and help someone? Sorry for the rant I just felt it on my heart to share this.
Well going back to Mr. Chan. He came out a few minutes before chapel started, and the friends I went with told me to go introduce myself. Oh  boy was I nervous. Let us take a step back, and explain why. Earlier this year when I really started following Christ I joined a small group, and Crazy Love was the study.It ended up being just me and the leader going through this service, but I am so glad it was. Francis' book makes you think of the really hard questions you never want to ask yourself as a believer. He pushes you to dig deep, and excits you with his passion. The number one thing that I learned from his book is that I do not want to be a luke warm Christian. I want my life to resemble Christ in all its meaning. This book at this time helped to really seek out more of God, and not only that but to stand firm in my decision to follow Christ. I wish I would have fully explained that to Francis today, but none the less I was honored just to meet the man who has given his life to God. Today during his teaching he spoke about how we are all human, and that we all have the power of Christ in us. That we will do not only the amazing miracles that Jesus did, but that with His power we could do more. Wow. What a concept, that I a new follower of Christ, could do the miracles of Jesus! Could this really be true? It was mind blowing to think of how true this statement is, and how often we do not see it. I want my faith to grow so that I may know that no matter what I face that Christ Jesus resides in me and through that simple truth I have the ability to be like Him.

There was one question that he asked that stood out above all else: "if someone were to put your life in the Bible would it be worth reading, or would they just flip on to the next story?" Don't let anyone tell you that what you are doing out of faith is crazy if it matches up with the Word of God.

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