Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today we had our first WOW JAM. There were so many people there. It was the most amazing thing when we did the altar call to see how many people gave there life to the Lord today. After they gave their life to Christ we got in groups of 3-4. I was up in front and I got to pray for three little kids. There was Keyo(age5), Christopher (age9), and Christina (age 7). I got to pray over them and they had all committed to being baptized. As I was walking them over to the pool their other brother came over and said he didn't get a Bible and that he had given his life to God. His name was Israel. After getting him a Bible I was walking them all over to the pool and the mother of the three siblings came over and grabbed them. They said they were going to get baptized and she said no. The aunt of Keyo came over and told me that she needed to call his mom before he could to make sure that it was ok. His mom said no. The four kids were told that they couldn't be baptized. Keyo began crying so hard it broke my heart. I saw him a little bit later and asked him how he was doing and he started crying again. All I could say was that it would be ok and that he would have a chance to do it again some other time, to keep Jesus in his heart and that I loved him. He walked away and I was just so frustrated. Why were these kids families not being supported? It's the kids decision! Then during dinner it hit me. I am blessed. The people in my church they are blessed. The people on this team on this missions trip they are blessed. We have all been blessed with supportive families that allow us to believe what we believe. It is not always like that. More often than not people have to go through heck and back when the accept Jesus, and for so many of us it has just been a cake walk accepting the Lord. Not that any one has had any easy road, it's just been easier to be a follower of Christ. Remember that the next time you are hesitant to share your faith because you are free to do so, where as many in the world will die for the Name of the Lord. If you are reading this I ask that you pray over the people that are being brought to God's kingdom because of these WOW JAMS, but please in particular pray for these kids who have had the anointing of God placed upon their lives. Today the heavens rejoiced when they were saved and hell became so afraid that the enemy messed with the only thing he could which was their mother. Please remember how blessed you truly are. My favorite quote so far: "Live your life like someone else's depends on it because it does."-Stephen Trivoni

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