Sunday, September 19, 2010


It's amazing how we can touch people's lives by simply having courage.
People are looking for hope.
Searching for an answer
I have never been so open about God and my belief as I have since I have been at LIFE.
Tonight was one of my quad girl's birthday and we went out to dinner.
As the entire group of 18 of us sat there I felt the tension from one of the waters.
At first I thought he was just being a jerk, and decided to be a bit of a brat in the way I responded.
As the night went  on I felt something else.
Towards the end of dinner he was coming around to fill drinks, and I asked him how his night was going.
He was kind, but heavy hearted.
I noticed he had a tattoo on his arm, and asked him what it was.
It was a tattoo in memory of his 5mo. old son who had passed away two months ago of a heart attack.
Way to go Bianca!
Not only was I rude in the beginning, but I brought up the pain again.
A friend and I talked about praying for him.
So the next time he came around we asked if we could pray for him.
To my complete surprise he said yes.
We laid hands on him and prayed.
Immediately after there was a change in his face.
Almost as if he had just been given a candle in a pitch black room.
What an amazing thing I got to witness.
God used me and Jamie to bring comfort to this guy who was working so hard, and dealing with this loss.
Though sometimes we don't understand why we feel compelled to do it we need to remember, it has absolutely nothing to do with us.
We are called to say something or do something, not because we are something special.
God wants to speak, and keeping quiet is to deny Him.
I can not explain what was in his eyes once he said Amen tonight.
He needed to hear from God that everything would be ok, and that his son Mauricio was home in heaven.
I urge you to read this prayer and make it your own, and pray for Miguel and his family as they deal with this loss.
Father God as I sit here I pray that you bring a peace into Miguel's heart. One that only you Lord God can bring into his life. We know that you have a plan for Miguel and Mauricio was apart of it. I pray that you guide Miguel and strengthen him as he learns how you will use him.. Lord lift this families pain, and help them to understand there plan. I pray this in your Holy and Precious Name,

It is time to step outside the box. I know there is nothing else for my life, why haven't I taken full advantage to make disciples in all nations yet. I can start here in my nation. I ask for courage for my life, and anyone else who might possibly look at this. Let us do your will Lord God because your plan is always so much better than anything we can ever come up with.

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